Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Belize day 1

Yesterday we arrived in Belize. Two flights plus two water taxi rides. The island we are on -Ambergis Kaye - is one dimensional. The road inside is not viewed as a reasonable way to travel and water taxis is a preferred mode. It is kind of fun although tad expensive.
This is low season and there are very few people around. Our resort which can accommodate hundreds of tourists has only six or seven of them. This reminds me a bit of Shining - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I became an exercise fiend and hopefully this will keep me busy.  Additional side effect of the absence of people is acute lack of food. The alcohol is available in abundance but  most of the restaurants are closed. Last night we ventured along the beach to a place called Capricorn - gourmet, fancy and seemingly abandoned. Upon return it turned out that the only place that is open is called Portofino, a short water taxi ride away. They even give you a round trip for free. Not exactly, after several phone calls the water taxi has materialized and ultimately took us there for $11 per face, more than double the usual price. However, the restaurant was fabulous, great seafood and very nice ambiance.  The drinks - margaritas and rum punch - tied the meal together. Afterward, we were delivered back home; riding the boat under full moon completed the evening.
Overall things are excellent with the exception of a minor inconveniences. Our suitcase with diving equipment took a detour through Haiti and with some luck we will be reunited tomorrow.

We visited town today. Heat was miserable and we lost a sense of purpose a couple of times. Unfortunately I let my raw thoughts to  surface one too many times and consequently spirits were rather low. Few shots of espresso and quite fancy jade jewelry put things on a mend. Additionally, I bought 20lb watermelon and two 1 gallon jugs of water (not available in the hotel!) as an extra penance. Carrying it around in 90 degree heat kept me quiet and focussed.

Kasia is poised to join us  and tomorrow is a diving day. She reports from various points on the way and as I write she is on the Tropic Air flight to the island.

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